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Sunday, July 30, 2006

RFID Summaries #5 - Materials + Methods

New Way To Attach RFID Tags

The new FAT (Foam Attached Tags) tags are designed to attach to metal surfaces and reduce typical interference. The actual RFID portion uses passive UHF tags. [via The RFID Weblog]

VeriChip's RFID Tags Clonable?

According to HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth), VeriChip Corp's implantable RFID chips are clonable. Apparently, one hacker allowed a chip to be implanted in her arm to demonstrate the claim. [via RFID Blog] VeriChip is the company that has been pushing for RFID implants in immigrants, visitors and illegals in the US.

Sturdy RFID Tags For Inclement Weather Conditions

A new RFID tag has been designed specifically for extreme outdoor conditions. The tag can withstand high temperatures and is also considered food-grade. [via RFID Lowdown]

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RFID Summary

Summaries of RFID news, reviews, and articles. RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification technology. Includes discussions of RFID tags/ chips, readers, security and more.

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