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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

RFID Summary - Aug 1/06

Modern Materials Handling notes that Wisconsin became the first state in the USA to ban the forced implantation of RFID chips, but says that it's "like a law in search of a crime that has yet to be commited." But that's not for lack of trying. One of my university computer professors mentioned in 1986 (might have been 1991) that there's a group in California who wants every newborn baby microchipped like our household pets. So just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean we should wait to pass laws banning this.

The US DOD (Department of Defense) Distribution Center is having over 300 passive RFID portals installed across their logistics network. ODIN Technologies won the contract. [via PR Newswire]

Venture Development Corp's new report says that the market for RFID printer-encoders and applicators will grow by approximately 80 percent annually, on average, for the next few years. This will largely be due to applications in CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods), healthcare, agnd government. [via RFID Journal, Supply + Demand Chain Executive] Compare this to Datamonitor's report that says the revenue of the RFID market in general will double over the next five years, due to the wide variety of possible applications. [via CBR Online]

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RFID Summary

Summaries of RFID news, reviews, and articles. RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification technology. Includes discussions of RFID tags/ chips, readers, security and more.

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