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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

AXCESS' ActiveTag Solution For Asset Management

PricewaterhouseCoopers will be using AXCESS International's ActiveTag RFID + RTLS (Real-Time Location System) technology to track assets in PWC's Mexico City office. The system will be able to signal in real-time when an asset such as a laptop has been removed from designated areas. [via BusinessWire]

Asset management is an important application of RFID for many large companies, and a system like ActiveTag helps reduce losses and thefts. PricewaterhouseCoopers is the second global consulting firm to use the ActiveTag solution.

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RFID Summary

Summaries of RFID news, reviews, and articles. RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification technology. Includes discussions of RFID tags/ chips, readers, security and more.

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