Reusable Container Market's Use of RFID Growing
RFID use in the reusable container market is expected to grow, and a trial is being conducted by the Reusable Pallet & Container Coalition (RPCC). Retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target tend to use reusable pallets and containers in their supply chain, and their preferred means of tracking assets is with RFID technology. The study is being conducted to see what type of multi-use RFID tags can withstand long-term reuse. [via RFID Watch Weekly]
Besides RPCC, other testing of RFID-enabled reusable pallets are being conducted by iGPS, Intelligent Global Pooling Systems. iGPS entered an agreement with Schoeller Arca Systems. The latter will manufacture several million reusable all-plastic pallets to iGPS's specifications. The resulting pallets weigh under 50 pounds and handle over one empirical ton of material. They can be used for a variety of industries, which is likely to make iGPS a busy company. [via RFID Solutions Online]
Besides RPCC, other testing of RFID-enabled reusable pallets are being conducted by iGPS, Intelligent Global Pooling Systems. iGPS entered an agreement with Schoeller Arca Systems. The latter will manufacture several million reusable all-plastic pallets to iGPS's specifications. The resulting pallets weigh under 50 pounds and handle over one empirical ton of material. They can be used for a variety of industries, which is likely to make iGPS a busy company. [via RFID Solutions Online]