RFID Summary - Fri Aug 18/06
SmartCode has set up an RFID manufacturing plant in Chicago, it's largest of all operations. The plant will produce EPC-based products, for use by companies in the US, Europe, and Asia. [via RFID Blog]
Cattle owners in Texas have managed to recover over 5000 cattle, from rustlers, due to the RFID tags used on each animal. [via RFID Blog]
Concerns over the security of the new RFID-enabled ePassport has been a boon for security providers such as Smartrac, whose revenues doubled in Q1+Q2 2006, compared 2005. [via RFID News]
Cattle owners in Texas have managed to recover over 5000 cattle, from rustlers, due to the RFID tags used on each animal. [via RFID Blog]
Concerns over the security of the new RFID-enabled ePassport has been a boon for security providers such as Smartrac, whose revenues doubled in Q1+Q2 2006, compared 2005. [via RFID News]