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Monday, September 11, 2006

RFID Smart Card Voting In Swedish Parliament

Swedish parliament has introduced a secure RFID-based voting system for their 349 members. Under the old system, secure voting could only take place if a member of parliament voted from their designated seat, for a given session in legislature. Under the new system, members use contactless ID cards and can cast votes from any seat. RFID readers record votes, and the voting process becomes considerably faster. [More RFID via RFID Blog] The contactless cards had already been issued to members of parliament before the advent of the new voting system.

This is obviously an application that could spread to parliaments all around the world. But seriously, when it comes to politics, if someone is powerful enough, how hard would it be for them to jack the voting results? Oh yeah, maybe these politicians need some way to protect their smartcards, to guard against unauthorized interception of card data.

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RFID Summary

Summaries of RFID news, reviews, and articles. RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification technology. Includes discussions of RFID tags/ chips, readers, security and more.

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