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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Why Wal-Mart Suppliers' RFID Reluctance?

IT Jungle points out an interesting tidbit of information about Wal-Mart's suppliers: they are mostly "OS/400 shops". OS/400 is related to AS/400, an IBM mainframe computer operating system for which it's actually difficult to find programmers. As I understand it, "real programmers" wouldn't take a job in AS/400. Then again, AS/400 shops, in my experience, tend to be extremely fussy about who they hire as programmers. Not sure, but if OS/400 shops are the same way, it might actually account for why the IT departments of Wal-Mart suppliers are so reluctant to move forward with RFID.

I'm only speculating, but if you are the IT director of your company and you have a hard enough time finding staff for your current technology, then your boss comes along telling you that the biggest client wants them to convert to RFID tracking, for supply chain management... Well, I can see how some directors may feel some reluctance, especially in a new arena such as RFID. And if this is indeed the case, maybe all it would take is a few more pep talks by Wal-Mart, before a supplier enters the actual conversion process. Just some thoughts.

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